
This ministry is responsible for the music and worship ministry at CPCNY EM.  There are ministry opportunities, with both instruments and vocals.  In addition to the musical aspects, there are also opportunities to serve with a more technical twist; including soundboard/mixing and projection.  Worship team members gather during the week for practice, scripture study, prayer and meditation.​

Hospitality (Welcoming)

Hospitality comes from the Greek Word, philoxenia, or love for the stranger. Our God is hospitable. In love, He pursued the Israelites while they were strangers and foreigners, not because they were better (Leviticus 19:33-34; Deuteronomy 7:6-8). Our Father chose us, accepted us, and adopted us into His eternal family through the atonement of our Perfect Lamb, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3-7; 2:11-19). Christian hospitality meets strangers as they are, loves them as neighbors by the power of the Holy Spirit, and welcomes them into the family of God through their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, repentance, conversion and church membership.

The Hospitality Team serves the church by showing the love of Christ to newcomers, not merely in words, but in deed and in truth, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:4-5; 12:13; 1 John 3:18).

We have many ways to serve and be a part of our church!

Koinonia (koinəˈnēə) is the Greek word for Christ-centered fellowship.

The vision of this ministry is the unification of the church as one body in Jesus Christ through koinonia, with the intention of reaching a spiritual level of intimacy with each other. Furthermore, the church should always look outward, seeking to bring the lost back home to God. Our mission is to promote a personal level of intimacy within the community through our events and activities.

Koinonia (Fellowship | Events)

The Audio & Visual (AV) / Media Team exists to glorify God through creative arts and media. We seek to lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ and our community through the use of technology and creative gifts delivering communications through a variety of mediums.

Our team exists to support the church body by providing the visuals during the worship service, recording the worship services to share the Gospel beyond our walls, and partner with the worship ministry to provide the best possible praise to our LORD.

Audio & Visual | Media

The Fast & Furious Rides Ministry exists to coordinate and provide rides for all of our members to join us for our LORD’s Day worship services.

Fast & Furious Rides

The vision of the Sports Ministry is to utilize sports to build relationships between church members, as well as sharing the Gospel by creating a friendly, welcoming environment for newcomers.

Sports Ministry